The Book of Sand is a story that comes from Argentina. The story talks about a book that is infinite and is given to a man that can't even understand how the book is set up. The book is an old bible that was bought by this man from the lowest caste. In conclusion the man buys the book. At night he is eager to find out how the book was put together. He ended up getting frusturated and put it in the library.
What are some things in our modern world that are similiar to "the book of sands"? In other words, what infinitely infromational phenomenons do people nowadays become obsessed with? What happens to them? And what are your thoughts on this?
Some things in our modern world that are similiar to "the book of sands" is Twillight, the reason its similiar is because people become obsessed with reading and some actually fall in love with the characters. My thoughts on this topic is that you get to into the book to the point you want to be like them.