Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I will pronounce your name by Leopold Seder (Senegal)

In the poem I will pronounce your name it talks about how important Africa is to the people in Africa. The poem discribes africa to be beautiful and the people strong. The poem also talks about the things the people in Africa went through in the past. It also talks about how they are strong mentally and physically. Lastly it talks about how to others it might seem like a bad place to live but to them its home.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Last Judgement By:Karel Capek ( Czechoslovakia)

In the story, we read about the last judgement. And how God wasn't the one that was judging but the witness. Also how he saw everything that you been through since you were born to the day you die. In the story God said that since he knew everything he couldnt possibly judge. Lastly the more you know about someone the more you seem to be sympathetic for the person.

Journal Topic

The consequences of living a bad life is that once a person dies and really didnt do a good deed in his/her life the only memory a living person has is the bad things he/she did. In my opinion its a bit frigtening since your being judge of the good and bad you've done while you were living. Also I think that if a person is honestly sorry for what they have done that that person should be forgiven without hesitation. I do in a way believe in karma because I think people should be rewarded and the ones who unfortunately weren't shouldnt necessarly be punished but be helped. Humans shouldnt be unhumane with others because if you waist all your energy being cruel to another human you wont be fully happy with your life because the reasons you do want to be cruel to someone else will leave you unpeaceful and content.

First Confession By: Frank O' Conner (Ireland)

In the story we learned much about the importance of the Catholic religion it is for the Irish. I learned that you have to do certain things to be a part of a church. This process involves many little steps that make a big diffrence. One of them was the First Confession and in that process you are to admit to all your sins to a pastor. Lastly in the story we learned that not all pastors are alike and to Jacks luck the pastor he got, was very open-minded and wasnt an ordinary pastor.

Journal Topic

The church I go to is very similar to the church in the story, like Jack; I am Catholic. Activities and traditions that my church does is very important to my church. There is many tradition like Advent and Lent,etc. Activities that we do are Posadas which is preparing/celebrating the coming of Jesus(Christmas). The things that we do in Church is listen to the Pastor preach. We also pray, sing, get the communion and sometimes confess. My church belief are in the bible, the trinity, and the seven sacraments.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Night By: Elie Weisel Romania- Europe

In 1941 Nazi's believed that the strongest race were people with blue eyes and blonde hair and same race/religion and all who werent should be destroyed. They took action when Hitler came to power in Germany. They started by taking privledges away from all Jews and Undesirables in Europe. Later they started to kill them in concentration camps or in their hometowns. This lead to the mass murder of many people. World War II ended in May 8, 1945 (V-E day).

Journal Topic

I am going to remember the way they were treating because it was unbareable to be put in that position.The image of the death march will stick with me since that was when they were marching to other camps.The book changed the way I think about how people can act toward something they deeply dislike.The saddest part of the book to me was when Elie lost his dad because he was very sick and Elie was alone.The most horrifying part to me was when Elie saw the kids/babies thrown to the fire alive since it seems it woud be hard to imagine. The most angering was when the SS officers beat people for no reason. There wasnt anything confusing in the book just for enjoyment. The most touching was when they were free because they didnt think about revenge, just about food; since I dont think revenge is the answer.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Youngest Doll By Rosario Ferre :Puerto Rico

In the story The Youngest Doll the story takes place in Puerto Rico. The main character gets bitten by a prawn and the doctor cant do anything about the prawn. She later takes care of her neices and makes dolls for them for every year. The dolls like the neices get taller and are very life-like. The youngest neice later gets married and gets her last doll before she leaves with the Doctors son. The youngest niece becomes very unhappy with the doctor because he sells parts of the doll for money. Later the doll appears in his bed and the antenna come out of the dolls eyes.

Recall a time in your life when you were terrrifed. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? Why do you think the movie was scary? What characteristics do many horror films share?

A time in my life where I was terrifed was when was I very little around 7 and I was at the store with my parents and I thought I got lost and was wandering all over the store looking for them. The scariest movie I've ever seen was Jeeper Creepers, the thing that probably made it scary was that the thing was chasing the people, a characteristic that many horror films share is that they all have a bad person that somehow wants to hurt someone else.

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World :Columbia

In the story The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World the story takes place in a small village in Colombia. In the story it talks about a handsome drowned man that floats ashore on the small village. There these woman pay close attention to him while the men get mad and then become ashamed because they saw the handsome man. Then because of their guilt the men gather the villagers in a well thoughtout funeral. In the ceremony they sail him ashore again and their lives change forever because of Esteban.

Describe in detail what kind of funeral you want your friends and family to have for you. Explain why. Is this similar to other funerals you've been to? Explain why or why not. What does this story seem to reveal about Latin Americas' attitudes toward death?

The kind of funeral I want is a small funeral that only my closest family and friends attend. The reason I want a small funeral is because those are the one that were usually present in my life. This is in a way similiar to other funerals I've been to because family and friends attend. The story reveals that in  Latin Americas' attitude toward death is that there should be a good funeral for that person so they can leave this world in peace.

The Book of Sand By Jorge Luis Borges :Argentina.

The Book of Sand is a story that comes from Argentina. The story talks about a book that is infinite and is given to a man that can't even understand how the book is set up. The book is an old bible that was bought by this man from the lowest caste. In conclusion the man buys the book. At night he is eager to find out how the book was put together. He ended up getting frusturated and put it in the library.

What are some things in our modern world that are similiar to "the book of sands"?  In other words, what infinitely infromational phenomenons do people nowadays become obsessed with? What happens to them? And what are your thoughts on this?

Some things in our modern world that are similiar to "the book of sands" is Twillight, the reason its similiar is because people become obsessed with reading and some actually fall in love with the characters. My thoughts on this topic is that you get to into the book to the point you want to be like them.