Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Confession By: Frank O' Conner (Ireland)

In the story we learned much about the importance of the Catholic religion it is for the Irish. I learned that you have to do certain things to be a part of a church. This process involves many little steps that make a big diffrence. One of them was the First Confession and in that process you are to admit to all your sins to a pastor. Lastly in the story we learned that not all pastors are alike and to Jacks luck the pastor he got, was very open-minded and wasnt an ordinary pastor.

Journal Topic

The church I go to is very similar to the church in the story, like Jack; I am Catholic. Activities and traditions that my church does is very important to my church. There is many tradition like Advent and Lent,etc. Activities that we do are Posadas which is preparing/celebrating the coming of Jesus(Christmas). The things that we do in Church is listen to the Pastor preach. We also pray, sing, get the communion and sometimes confess. My church belief are in the bible, the trinity, and the seven sacraments.

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